When Dansa D’Arata Soucia relocated to downtown Buffalo, their challenge was to personalize their new space. Our focus was on making the reception area both professional and inviting within the constraints of the physical space. To project the proper tone for the space, we refaced the back of the reception desk, redid the floor and the rug of the reception area, and hung a new light fixture. These changes, in addition to new wallpaper, allow the firm’s priorities and personality to shine through. By selecting the right furnishings and artwork and blended contemporary and mid-century designs, we created an office space for Dansa D’Arata Soucia that authentically reflects their business.

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With a new light fixture and a focus on selecting the perfect furnishings and artwork, we were able to combine contemporary and mid century designs to provide Dansa D’Arata Soucia with an office that reflects their business.

The Buffalo Club

This historic city club did a complete renovation of their most frequented dining and bar space.

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